Monday, 21 December 2009

Monday 21st December

Today I made 11 christmas cards, though I doubt very many people will get them on time. Oh well, there is always next year and Im sure my family and friends will understand why Ive been so far behind this year. It has been a tough 6 months. I bought the ingredients to make sweets tonight but then when I came home and made my tea, by the time I'd eaten it I was too tired (stupid nightshift lol) There is always tomorrow. As its getting too late to make anything now. Oh and Ive still got my christmas cake to ice too. This is so not working out how I planned in my head lol Looking on the bright side we may have a white christmas woo hoo

winter sparkles

T x


  1. happy birthday for today tania,hope you having a lovely time xxx

  2. Well done on making 11 cards in one day - I couldn't do that many!
    Sue xx
