Tuesday, 8 December 2009

7th December

Though it is technically the 8th as I post this, I havent technically done anything worth blogging for the 8th lol Anyway back to the task in hand, to journal the 7th December. Well I was on earlyshift today but I promised myself I would bake banana muffins as Ive been saying I will do it for the past week. Well I kept my promise today and baked banana muffins today :) Not tasted them yet as yet. My daughter came down and she persuaded us to go out for tea and so I ate too much as per usual and had no room left for a muffin. So it will have to wait till tomorrow/today lol. I will take them in to share with my work mates as Im on backshift. Its good to share. Photos to follow if I ever get round to taking them off my mobile :).


T x

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